Anyone ever seen issues with SCSI ID 1 on the on board SCSI adapter on a F740?

Slot:            0b

Description:     SCSI Host Adapter 0b (QLogic ISP rev. 1040B)

Firmware Rev:    4.65

PCI Bus Width:   32-bit

PCI Clock Speed: 33 MHz

Bus Width:       Wide

Specifically, I direct attached a STK L40 tape library to the filer (robot and 2 drives).  For some reason, if a drive was set to ID #1, it was sporadic in it's behavior.  Sometimes the filer would recognize it, but suffer SCSI time outs.  Sometimes it wouldn't recognize it at all.  When I switched the drive from ID 1 to 3, all was fine.  I have ID 0 as the robotics, 2 as drive 1 and 3 as drive 2.

Can't find anything on NOW about it.

