Hi All,

Since upgrading to 9.13.1 our AFF/FAS on-premise cluster has an alert in the System Manager dashboard and shows us receiving these errors every hour or two:

secd.ldap.noServers: None of the LDAP servers configured for Vserver (vfiler_name) are currently accessible via the network for LDAP service type (Service: LDAP (Active Directory), Operation: SiteDiscovery).

We run a redundant pair of slapd LDAP servers presented via an F5 BigIP at a single IP. The SVMs LDAP settings include of a list of the F5's highly available IP and then the two back end servers.

Nothing has changed with our LDAP service. The LDAP servers don't seem to be distressed and no other systems/services that touch our LDAP are complaining. Our NetApp SVMs don't seem to be dropping or bouncing any filer traffic.

Has anything changed from 9.9 to 9.13 in the way ONTAP talks to LDAP? Is it chattier? More sensitive to lags?
