yes, newer ontapp version are somehow more cpu intensive,
but that should not be a real problem
how many times did you make the upgrade ?
if you just made it, keep in mind that oftenly, ontapp do some work on disk to change the wafl version
and some other things also
this take times, so you can expect normal small increase in cpu workload for a moment
I would adivse you to open a case with netapp to check what operation is going on that is only transcient (the time to upgrade everything that need to be upgrade)
for example :
wafl scan status
vol status -... can't remember what switch
could give you some percentage advancement of the transcient work

and btw : i don't think your disk type 18G zcs disk could affect this small cpu overload

good luck

Carlos A. Alvarez wrote:
Hi All,
I recently upgrade a F740 from 5.3.4 to 6.4.1 without problems except that the CPU workload increase 10 % with the same traffic.
Is this performace correct?
Are new releases more CPU intensive than olders?
Any comment would be apreciated.