Thank you.

I'm not finding any mention of turning this feature on or off, is the default? If so, we're at 9.8P1 and should be running it.

On 5/26/2021 11:44 AM, Parisi, Justin wrote:



From: Rue, Randy <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 2:43 PM
To: Parisi, Justin <>; Douglas Siggins <>
Cc: Toasters <>
Subject: Re: WAFL error on a flexgroup?


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OK, after reading the below it sounds like elastic sizing should already be on and should have prevented my full constituent volume. Why didn't it?

What's proactive resizing? Where can I find out more about it?


On 5/26/2021 9:23 AM, Parisi, Justin wrote:

I’d actually recommend 9.8 and proactive resizing instead.


Elastic sizing is reactive and incurs a latency penalty when used. And it can’t be used with vol autosize.


Proactive resizing starts resizing when we get to 60% used and maintains a relatively even free space buffer and can be used with autosize.


From: Toasters <> On Behalf Of Douglas Siggins
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 12:15 PM
To: Rue, Randy <>
Cc: Toasters <>
Subject: Re: WAFL error on a flexgroup?


NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I believe this might help:


Elastic sizing was introduced in Ontap 9.6. This article details the issue:


This should be turned on by default but can be turned off via:

node run nodename flexgroup set elastic-sizing=false


On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 12:01 PM Rue, Randy <> wrote:

OK, resizing the flexgroup added some space to the constituent volume
(to all of them, actually) and now it has free space. But a look at the
eight CVs in the FG shows they range from 22% to 68% full. Is something
keeping them more or less balanced? If so, how did it fail? And if not,
what the hell?

On 5/26/2021 8:47 AM, Rue, Randy wrote:
> sure enough, that constituent volume is completely full:
> scarab::> vol show -vserver scharpdata  -is-constituent true
> Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size
> Available Used%
> --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ----------
> ---------- -----
> scharpdata scharp_systems__0002 scarab_b_SSD_1 online RW 448GB        
> 0B  100%
> now what?
> On 5/26/2021 8:38 AM, Vanderyt, Jeff wrote:
>> vol show -vserver vserver_name -is-constituent true
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