I’m not sure how you can accomplish this without taking it down, even though temporarily:


You can reconfigure your current vif to multimode and then make it part of a larger singlemode\multilevel vif, but that means a VIF reconfig, or a bit more clean is to make each sub interface a multimode vif and leave the current singlemode vif intact.


Here’s the problem:  you can add another interface to a VIF without interruption – but you cannot take one away.


I’d recommend configuring the /etc/rc file to have what you want, then rebooting.


If you have cluster, you can probably do this with a failover/failback (failover, edit the /etc/rc, then failback with the ‘new’ config).




From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Darish Rajanayagam
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 5:48 PM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: iscsi vifs




Currently, my ISCSI setup consist of a single mode vif on the NetApp side – this connects to a dedicated switch for the ISCSI traffic. I have active/passive clusters connected to this switch with dedicated NICs for ISCSI connectivity. On the server side, I run Snap Drive 4.1 and MS ISCSI Initiator.


I would like to change this to the following.

1.       Create two multimode vifs (each vif connecting to a separate switch – the switches would then be bridged)

2.       Create a second level single mode vif consisting of the above two multimode VIFs – so only one vif is active at any one time.

3.       The second level single mode vif will have the same IP address as it is now.


If I make the above change, would this affect any of the currently mapped ISCSI connections? Do I need to re-map it through MS ISCSI initiator – IP addresses are not changing, would this cause any changes on the server side?


