The vol copy option is a good one as long as you don’t want to do incremental updates.  Vol copy is simply an level 0-only version of SnapMirror (and it’s free).  What you get with SnapMirror are things like block level incrementals, the ability to schedule those updates, qtree-level replication options, the ability to resync after a break without re-initialization, sync and semi-sync options, and probably a few others.


-- Adam Fox

Systems Engineer


From: Romeo Theriault []
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 6:12 AM
To: Michael Schipp; André M. Clark
Subject: Re: SnapMirror for data migration within the same controller


If you do not need snapshots then maybe vol copy will do what you need.

vol copy can copy snapshots as well. >From vol man page,

vol copy start [ -S | -s snapshot ] source destination

              Copies all data, including snapshots, from one vol-
              ume to another.  If the -S flag is used,  the  com-
              mand  copies  all snapshots in the source volume to
              the destination volume.  To  specify  a  particular
              snapshot  to  copy, use the -s flag followed by the
              name of the snapshot.

 Though I'm not sure this would be any faster than a snapmirror.

Andre, I'd be interested to hear what your outcome of this eventually is.


Romeo Theriault
System Administrator
Information Technology Services