Same to me.

I had to invest about 2 days to update our


to get rid of these useful but in our case “annoying” messages.


Is there an ssh option to shut this off ?

If not, when will it be implemented ?





Von: <> Im Auftrag von Fenn, Michael
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Juli 2019 01:13
An: Lists <>
Betreff: Re: 9.5 ssh last login output


Plus one on this.  I had adapt a bunch of my automation to handle this new output.





From: <> on behalf of Mike Thompson <>
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 7:03 PM
To: " Lists" <>
Subject: 9.5 ssh last login output


This message was sent by an external party.



Ontap 9.5 added 'Last login' to the output of ssh connections, and optionally puts other things in there, like number of unsuccessful login attempts, etc.


Any way to turn that off?


It's playing hell with various things I have that scrape output from things I ssh into the filers.


This stuff seems to be separate from MOTD/banner messages which are indeed configurable.