How are you bringing up the gbe interface? Run netdiag and see if you
get an error like the below which I got from one of our filers:
filer> netdiag
Performing physical layer diagnostics.....
You may have a duplex mismatch on the link e0
Configured mediatype: auto-100tx-fd-up
Corresponding switch port may be configured half duplex/auto
I believe the recommended way to bring up a gbe interface is the below
for the controller version I, II, and III (as seen in sysconfig -v):
ifconfig e6 `hostname` mediatype auto flowcontrol full netmask
I don't know about controller version IV or later but you may want to
try a mediatype of auto-1000fx or 1000fx instead of auto. NetApp has
always recommended to hard set the speeds and flow for both the switch
port and the filer for 10/100 connections, but it looks like they
want to auto-neg in gbe land.
You may also want to check the TCP window sizes...or does that just
affect NFS...I should really know that.
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:43:37AM -0400, Holland, William L wrote:
I'm doing some performance testing with an F810 that is connected to our
network via the onboard 10/100 NIC. DNS, WINS, etc are configured on that
interface. The F810 also has a dual port GbE NIC connected directly to a
Win2K server that is also connected via 10/100 to the same network as the
F810's onboard 10/100. When I try things such as
rsh date
it takes a VERY long time to run. Also connecting via unc (e.g.
\\\c$) takes a lot longer than it does over the 10/100 network.
I suspect the issue is really on the Win2K side and how it tries to find
clients but I am not sure what to look at.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.