HDS storage is great for many reason. 95xx series and USP definitely have great features. USP shows great performance. (to many to discuss, I am sure HDS sales rep will cover that)

I just want to point out few obvious caveats (sorry HDS):

No equivalent of toasters in HDS world (or any support forum/mailing list, etc.)
Cryptic Documentation.
To many GUI/CLI to learn (Storage NAV, Device Manager, HSSM, DUMP, DUMP CLI)
95xx can not delete LUNS (only last one you created)
USP raid groups and basic config are laid out by HDS
USP: can not touch it with HDS FE.
USP: you loose 1 additional chip port for each external chip port.


On 3/13/06, Kristian Ejvind (KI/EAB) <kristian.ejvind@ericsson.com> wrote:
> Has anyone had experience with Hitachi's SAN devices?
> What I have always heard is that their products are
> good but their support is terrible.   Any experiences
> with these units and/or support?    Thx.

In a former life, I used to manage a couple of HDS 95xx
series boxes. My experience was that to get started you
definitely need to have an experienced person close by
to guide you through the terms and language. All written
information is in "japaneese in english", so you have to
think a little when reading anything. (Label on the box:
"Be careful of the drop. It is heavy." Another label that
I don't remember exactly, something like "HOT to the hand.
Careful!" :)

Management software is terribly slow, it takes ages to do
anything. Booting the HDS is oh-so-slow (3-12 minutes).
(Btw. at that time we moved from LSI to HDS, and the LSI
unit booted in about 10-20 seconds! What a difference.)

HOWEVER: once in place - the HDS rocks! Impressing speed,
reliable, just what you want.

For support I guess it depends on your local support
channel - we were satisfied with our support, although
we never had to consult them for anything more serious
than disk replacements.
