Dear Washington Mutual customer,
WAMU is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its
community of buyers and sellers.Protecting the security of your
account and of the Washington Mutual network is our primary
concern. In this respect,as a preventative measure,we have
recently revised your account information data in order
to assure ourselves that the most advanced security techniques
in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the
WAMU system for any unusual activity.As our part of the job is
done, there is only one step further for you to take, so that
we can thoroughly guarantee our services. Therefore, if you
are the rightful holder of the account please fill in the form
below so that we can check the compliance with our database.
If you believe you have provided personal or account information in response to a fraudulent
e-mail or Web site, please contact Washington Mutual at 800.788.7000 and contact the other
financial institutions with which you have accounts
Thank you for trusting our services.
The WAMU Security Department Team.
Please do not reply to this mail.Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
For assistance, log in to your WAMU account and chose the "Help" link in the header of any page.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
WAMU Bank - Fraud Center
eCare� customer service at 1.800.788.7000