in fact, throught DFM (data fabric manager)
you can setup different users and grant them different rights :
- view only
- configure the filer
take a look at dfm features or ask to your sale rep a doc on it (ask to focus on privileges)

Ehrhart, Rick wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Holland, William L []
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:26 AM
To: ''
Subject: Some security questions/wishes

Setting up two new filers, F810 and FAS940, in a new 
installation.  ONTAP

1.  Is there a way that I can permit certain users to view filer
configurations and statistics without their having the root 
password or
being given full adminstrative access?

No, not at this time.

2.  Is there a way to force logons to the filer (be it 
console, SSL enabled
FilerView) to use Windows groups rather than having to hand 
out the root password?

No, not at this time.

3.  Is there a way to allow certain people to perform manual snapshots
without their being given full admin access?  Something akin 
to a Backup Operator.

No, not at this time.

4.  Along the same lines of 3 above is it possible to permit 
those same
people to restore snapshots on particular volumes without 
their being able to access other volumes?

No, not at this time.

The above issues are being lookeded for future releases of ONTAP.
Please see burts 42514, 57701, and 78951 for details.

  - Rick -

Rick Ehrhart					Network Appliance 


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