I believe the newest version of 7MTT does support LUN transitions.

On May 11, 2015, at 3:56 PM, Tony Bar <tbar@BERKCOM.com> wrote:

Randy -

Hi, you can convert aggregates from 32-bit to 64-bit with the following commands, however it is completely unsupported.

First check if there is sufficient space in the aggregate to convert them:

'priv set advanced'
'aggr add aggr1 -64bit-upgrade check'

Then run the conversion (requires elevated privileges):

'aggr 64bit-upgrade start aggr1 -mode grow-all'

Then check status with:

'aggr 64bit-upgrade status aggr1 -all'

Regarding data migration, 7MTT works fine for CIFS/NFS shares however doesn't cover LUN migrations.   The best way to facilitate LUN migration (if that is your goal) is with the DTA2800 appliance (https://library.netapp.com/ecm/ecm_get_file/ECMP1236758).   There are of course other host-based methods work as well (Storage vMotion, LVM mirroring, etc.) 

I wasn't clear from your wording which you're trying to migrate (file data or block data) so I hope the info provided is helpful.

Best of luck!

Anthony Bar

On May 11, 2015, at 3:29 PM, Rue, Randy <rrue@fredhutch.org> wrote:

Hello All,

We're replacing our v3170 with new gear (two clusters) and making the leap from 8.1.3 in 7-mode to 8.3 CDOT.

I have a couple of questions around migrating our vFilers to the new cluster.

Converting 32-bit aggrs: I see several places in NetApp's documentation saying the only way to convert in 8.1.3 is to expand the aggr to more than 16TB and it will happen automatically. I see references online to CLI commands that will set this off without needing to cross the 16TB line, and other references saying this is not recommended by NetApp or is even unsupported. And yet I have a co-worker here who converted a vFiler here when it outgrew 32-bit and swears a) expanding to 16TB did not spark the conversion and b) the CLI tool worked just fine.

What is the official way to convert 32 bit to 64 bit?

Second: how widely used is the 7-Mode Transition Tool? Got a candid opinion on how likely it is to be a better option than copying volumes by hand?

Hope to hear from you,


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