Paradoxically we are copying over account information to maintain up to date entries in our usermap.cfg & passwd files on the Filer to allow UNIX clients access to NTFS volumes. We can use the same files to allow the relevant UNIX account access to a NTFS share but it increases the likelihood of failure in the process. For now however this does look like our best option. However from my understanding using NDMPCOPY to copy files from NTFS to UNIX should not have this type of security implication as it should not attempt to copy over ACL information so I am very surprised by what is happening.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Jeffries, Mark <> wrote:
In a nutshell no, the only file level copy you can perform on a filer's console is ndmpcopy. When you copy from a Unix to an NTFS qtree (or vice versa) all sorts of strange permission based problems occur as NTFS and Unix permissions are not interchangeable. Why do you need to copy between the 2 qtrees? I would personally set up a single Unix qtree and do some CIFS user and group mappings to allow windows (CIFS) access. It's easier to do it this way round I have found, but most importantly, STAY AWAY FROM MIXED QTREES.
I hope that helps,

From: [] On Behalf Of Jimmy Corncrake
Sent: 17 October 2008 16:04
To: Nils Vogels
Subject: Re: File Copy between NTFS & UNIX Qtrees

Hi, we are copying over just single files not the complete qtree. The UNIX secured QTREE is accessible until we copy over a single file from the the NFTS QTREE which result in permission denied. It should not copy the permissions when the destination is UNIX but this appears to be happening.
Is there anything else I can use apart from ndmpcopy to make the single file copy within the filer console?

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Nils Vogels <> wrote:
Are you copying the entire qtree, or specific files?

If you are copying the entire qtree, it is likely that ndmpcopy copies
the qtree security style as well, causing the problems you described
. (and others as well )..

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Jimmy Corncrake <> wrote:
> Hi Toasters,
> I have setup 2 qtrees. QT1 is NTFS and QT2 is UNIX. File Data needs to be
> passed between the 2 QTREES in both directions which I am doing using
> ndmpcopy. However an unexpected consequence of this action is that the UNIX
> user account looses access to the UNIX QTREE after the copy if made from QT1
> to QT2. Does anyone know what could cause this and how I can get around it?
> Both QTREEs are in the same Volume but I would not expect this to be
> relevant.
> thanks,
> Jimmy

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