Options autosupport
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Jeff Cleverley <jeff.cleverley@avagotech.com> wrote:

I upgraded to from 7.3.3P5 on January 1st. Since then my
messages log files have gotten huge. My current one is 123 MB and the
average size in December was 250K. I've always had the syslog.conf
set up to send info levels to the messages file. Since the upgrade
I've been getting a log of messages about things that used to never
show up such as MNTPool and ExportPool entries. There are other
entries that never showed up before either.

I like having the info level because it shows me who is connecting via
cifs, time stamp update, nis updates, etc. I would rather not have to
change all the logging to the warning level. Parsing through messages
files with 800k lines in it is not pretty :-)

Is there another way to tune what shows up at the info level in 7.3.5?



Jeff Cleverley
Unix Systems Administrator
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

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