From NetApp (RE: 8.3 but might still apply).  Other things I've done, disable SMB 3 on the NetApp and/or hide the snapshot directory on the share being accessed by the Mac(s).

I think you'll find the overall fix for many many versions of OSX (macOS) vs. many versions of OnTap are like below, force the mac to make smb 1 connections.  


Packet trace displays that there is no issue with the controller response times, and the issue is with the client side settings.

The SMB LargeMTU feature allows an SMB client to issue a single request of up to 1MB. Without support for this feature, SMB clients (both Apple and Mac) are limited to 64KB max request size. Windows clients get around the lack of support for this feature by using another Windows feature called pipelining. Pipelining allows an SMB client to issue multiple outstanding requests without waiting for a response.
Apple supports this feature as well; however, they limit their client to just a few outstanding pipelined requests (less than 4 total outstanding requests versus Windows which regularly goes well above that). So despite a lack of support for LargeMTU, Windows clients have a better performance experience on SMB2.x than Apple because they better utilize pipelining, in place of the absence of LargeMTU with clustered Data ONTAP.

Apple Spotlight file indexer is a common cause for slowness in accessing CIFS shares. 


Perform the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Add nsmb.conf to ~/Library/Preferences/ with the following details:
  2. Set Other-Networks and Static IP address in Network Preference.
  3. Connect to smb://pathname

Additional settings for improving Mac SMB peformance:

  1. Exclude network shares from Spotlight searching:
    Open System PreferencesSpotlight, and add all the network shares to the exclusion list.
  2. Disable updating .DS_Store files within network share folders:
    Run from a terminatel windows:
    Defaults write DSDDontWriteNetworkStores true
    Two additional settings, Disable ARP requests validation and Revert TCP ACK to compatabilility mode, are also available. 

On Nov 7, 2016, at 9:21 PM, James Andrewartha <> wrote:

On 08/11/16 10:16, Christopher S Eno wrote:
Any performance difference between mapping shares this way:

cifs://server/share (forces smb 1)


smb://server/share (smb 2+)

We did just test that, and cifs:// works fine, no permissions problems.
What debug options can I turn on to see what's happening?

James Andrewartha
Network & Projects Engineer
Christ Church Grammar School
Claremont, Western Australia
Ph. (08) 9442 1757
Mob. 0424 160 877