See; this feature request apparently exists for a long time.


As far as I understand – if save set(s) include non-NetApp storage only, NetWorker should not be using NetApp hardware VSS provider. Do you have non-Snap Manager controlled data on NetApp that needs backing up?


Another quite brute force workaround is to use savepnpc to disable NetApp provider before save group start and re-enable it after end. Of course ensuring non-overlapping schedules can quickly become nightmare.




With best regards


Andrey Borzenkov

Senior system engineer

Service operations


From: Eugene Vilensky []
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 10:51 PM
To: Borzenkov, Andrey
Subject: Re: VSS providers and EMC NetWorker


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Borzenkov, Andrey <> wrote:

Does setting VSS:*=off in client "Save operations" attribute help?


It does, in that we can get files not in use off to tape...but the real deal would be to use software provider for NetWorker (our Tape solution) and hardware provider for SAN-related things. 

