I have just had to reboot our filer for the second time in about 3 months.  Both times the reboot failed with the error:

    A CIFS I/O operation may be hung. Shutdown the system using halt -d
    and report this incident to NetApp.

But I don't want to do a "halt -d".  This causes a core dump which means that the filer may be down for about 10 mins.   Is there a way of forcing a halt without using the -d switch (halt on its own just gives the CIFS error message again).  I'm currently running 5.3.1D5.

- Bruce
PS The problem that caused me to reboot was that I was getting the error "Cannot find logon server" from PCs trying to connect to the filer.  The reboot fixed this.  Any ideas?

Bruce Arden             arden@nortelnetworks.com
Nortel, London Rd, Harlow, England      +44 1279 40 2877