yes. no additional software is needed. it is already there in 7.x

just run the secureadmin commands to use.

On 3/8/06, Lai, Derek <> wrote:
So we can use SSH with DOT 7.x without needing any additional licensing?


-----Original Message-----
From: [ ]
On Behalf Of Tim McCarthy
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 11:53 AM
To: Sheldon Mustard
Subject: Re: Fwd: rsh times out after 5 min

Nope. Sorry.

Prior to 7.0, NetApp issued a pass-through license fee from RSA fo ruse
of the SSH implementation.

In 7.0, that module was completely rewritten in C code (which makes it
significantly faster than the JAVA code in pre-7 releases). It was
developed from the OpenSSH stuff which is free and requires no pass
through license fee.

If you *really* want SSH, you should look at upgrading to 7.x if you
can. (i.e. out of luck with a 700 series or F85)

Sheldon Mustard wrote:
> On 3/7/06, Tim McCarthy <> wrote:
>> Have you tried ssh? I use it exclusively. It is easy to setup to use
>> without passwords....
> Does ssh work in 6.5 without an additional license?  I have been able
> to get ssl working but but not ssh ... any ideas?  When I tell it to
> enable ssh2 it says "SecureAdmin is not installed", do I need to
> install some binaries from the now site.
> --
> Sheldon Mustard
> "There will be no order, only chaos." - Pi (1998)
> --