Are there any know issues w/ this version of DFM?  We have run DFM 2.3 (older version) on 2 Windows 2000 systems successfully for over a year.  We recently upgraded one system to DFM 3.0 and also built a new Windows 2000 server to run DFM 3.0 (fresh install) and we've been experiencing many performance issues.  Specifically, the DFM alerting is severely degraded (e.g. alert notifications sent many hours late), and some of the core services are "not responding" on a regular basis (e.g.  dfmMonitor, dfmWatchdog, dfmEvent).  Our configurations have stayed the same and our existing DFM 2.3 system is functioning properly.
Any advice?  Any known issues w/ DFM 3.0?

Paul M. Brubaker, Jr.
RIDS - Intel System Support
AT&T Wireless - Harrisburg PA
office #: 717-526-5011
cell #: 717-578-2254