Look into easytier
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Jeff Mohler <speedtoys.racing@gmail.com> wrote:
Define "heavy use".

Some workloads, SSD's are likely to be very bad at, simply by design...for some time.

Ive seen people upgrade to SSD, and things go slower than the SATA they were on before.

Architecture matters.   :)

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 2:38 AM, Joseph Bishop <jbishop@west.net> wrote:
Do you know of any good SSDs that don't choke under heavy use?

I have given up on SSDs and am sticking with hybrids for now.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Milazzo Giacomo" <G.Milazzo@sinergy.it>
To: toasters@teaparty.net
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 10:47:50 AM
Subject: FAS2240 and SSD

Hi all,


expected for january 2012 there was the support to partially loaded DS4243 with 100 GB SSD units: 6 or 12.

This was also reported in the “FAS2240 Technical questions” document by Chris Lueth.


I’m trying to find some official doc that reports now this. Are these units really already supported on FAS2240?




Dott. Giacomo Milazzo

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