You really need to look at the db_file_sequential_read (random IO) activity. If you have heavy random IO then the latency limitations of SATA disks are quickly reached. The FlashCache (PAM-2) cards are much larger than PAM-1 and help a lot, but there are some databases that are simply too large with too much random IO distributed across the datafiles. In those cases, SAS/FC disks are required. On occasion you can find a database where particular datafiles are getting hit with especially heavy random IO and they’re candidates for SSD drives, but most of the time FlashCache will cover those needs at a lower cost. If you have heavy db_file_scattered_read (sequential IO) then SATA disks work well and can almost always supply more IO than a database server is capable of processing.


If you have questions you can always ask your NetApp sales team for assistance. In general, an AWR/statspack report showing the performance requirements is enough to figure out if FC/SAS is required or if SATA will do, and if there will be a benefit from FlashCache.


From: Kießl Walter []
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:07 PM
Subject: AW: Oracle and VMware Datastores




in addition to the discussion about how to lay out the oracle databases within our without vsphere files I have spotted another thing:


I would strongly recommend to put only oracle binaries and oracle test databases on SATA disks. Do not put any other oracle data on SATA.

We have experienced performance issues with SATA disks on our FAS6070 (with PAM-I card). In my opinion, SATA throughput is not suitable for productive databases –regardless of accessing the oracle database within vmdk-files or within dedicated volumes via NFS/iSCSI/FCP.


Best Regards



i. A. Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Walter J. Kießl



tel.: +49 8669 31 1954

fax: +49 8669 32 1954




Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Str. 5

83301 Traunreut, Deutschland




Von: [] Im Auftrag von
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. September 2011 10:50
Betreff: Oracle and VMware Datastores



Im setting a new Oracle Database solution to replace a old Oracle RAC on EVA8400.

After reading Oracle Databases on VMware vSphere 4 - Essential Deployment Tips i got a few question still needs answered.

Our new storage is a FAS 3240 7-Mode

We have a SATA and SAS aggregate and 1TB Flash cache available.

SAS 1  Raid Group (16 disks)

SATA 4  Raid Group (56 disks)




Whats the recommendations for Datastores and VMDK's?

From i can gather i need to create a volume dedicated to Oracle and present(NFS) it as Datastore for Oracle only.

And create VMDK's like this:


VMDK-1 OS from another Datastore


Oracle Datastore

VMDK-2 Oracle Binaries
VMDK-3 Oracle data
VMDK-4 Oracle Redo
VMDK-5 Oracle Archivelogs


I have 5 databases so 5 VM's where i create a volume with Datastore for each?


Would like input from the list how others have done it.


-           Tommy Fallsen

                  SA/DBA Grunt



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