snapmirror. ask for a trial license.
nothing beats it for filer to filer :)
you can initialize it with the db up and running, schedule your downtime, shut down oracle and unmount volume, do
a final snapmirror update and break the mirror. mount the new volume and fire up oracle. works every time. i can usually migrate an instance in about 30 mins or less with most of that time spent waiting on dbas to shutdown the instances :)
Daniel Leeds
Manager, Storage Operations
Edmunds, Inc.
1620 26th Street, Suite 400 South
Santa Monica, CA 90404
310-309-4999 desk
310-430-0536 cell
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of David McWilliams
Sent: Wed 8/20/2008 10:08 AM
Subject: Ndmpcopy v vol copy
We are adding a shelf of faster disks onto our existing FAS270C. We
want to copy our Oracle database volume from the existing disk to the
new shelf. We have considered usig either ndmpcopy or vol copy. Is
there a performance
Enhancement of one over the other, or is there a better method?
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Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and
he's warm for the rest of his life.
- Terry Pratchett, Discworld