Hi Matt:

I've been using XP since beta 3, and have had no problems authenticating to any of our filers, ranging from ONTAP 6.0R2 to 6.1.1R1P1... Is the filer a member of an NT4 domain or a W2K domain?


John Witham
Senior Data Networking Engineer
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.

Confucius say he who play as root eventually kill tree.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Reynolds [mailto:matt@aztek-eng.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 7:28 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Windows XP

We just installed our first windows xp pro client - and can't authenticate
to our 720.  We keep getting a password error.  We can authenticate
to Totalnet and samba - so plain text passwords appear to be working
from XP.  Does anybody else have this working ?
We are running 6.0.1R3 on our Filer.
Matt Reynolds

 Matt Reynolds               Matt.Reynolds@aztek-eng.com
 IS/Network Manager     V:303-415-6166
 Aztek Engineering, Inc.  F:303-786-9190
 2477 55th St.                 www.aztek-eng.com
 Boulder, CO  80301