I stated in the original message:
The documentation states that you need to bring the 3050 heads up-to the same software level as the 3170 heads.
If your FAS3020 or FAS3050 system has... | Then... |
The same version of Data ONTAP as the FAS31xx system | Go to Step 3. |
A version of Data ONTAP different from the one on the FAS31xx system | Go to Step 2. |
Top of the document….
- Data ONTAP® or later software or the FAS3020 or FAS3050 system. During the upgrade, you need to download and install on the FAS3020 or FAS3050 system the same version of Data ONTAP that is on the FAS31xx system.
Did I miss something, or has it been changed already? Seems like it’s good to go.
Best regards,
Kevin Parker
Blackle.com - Saving energy one search at a time.
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Romeo Theriault
Subject: Re: Warning for people doing a head upgrade from a 3050 to a 3170
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:56 AM
To: Miller, Michael CTR USTRANSCOM J2; toasters@mathworks.com
Thanks for the note. It's good to know that you didn't have any kernel panics or such. I'll have to take a look at the OnTap download matrix. But if anyone at Netapp is listening this, the doc that could really could use the updating to say something about this is:
This doc is called "Upgrading from a FAS3020 or FAS3050 System in an Active/Active Configuration to a FAS31xx System in an Active/Active Configuration" so you would think that is would say something about this wouldn't you?
RomeoOn Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Miller, Michael CTR USTRANSCOM J2 <michael.miller.ctr@ustranscom.mil> wrote:
I had a similar problem when I upgraded a 960 to a 3040. I didn’t see the info in the OnTap download matrix that showed the heads required a different build version. It was there, just not obvious. Never had any problems other than lots of the mapfile log entries. Once I loaded the correct version (q or e versus m, I also have a 3020) all was well.
Mike Miller
Site Lead
General Dynamics Information Technology
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Romeo Theriault
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 7:43 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Warning for people doing a head upgrade from a 3050 to a 3170
Here is a warning for people that might be doing a head upgrade from a 3050 to a 3170 (and possibly other heads). The documentation states that you need to bring the 3050 heads up-to the same software level as the 3170 heads. This may very well be the case but they fail to mention that the 3170 uses a different build of OnTap and that you need to upgrade OnTap on the 3170's immediately after the upgrade with the build for the 3170's.
So right now we are running 3170's with a build of OnTap built for the 3050's and getting these errors in syslog:
na1-u-e0a [na1-u: mgr.stack.openFail:warning]: Unable to open function name/address mapping file /etc/boot/mapfile_7. No such file or directory
Netapp Supports response is: "Upgrade or you'll probably get Kernel Panics." and "We'll try to update the documentation." Needless to say I'm not impressed.
Romeo Theriault
System Administrator
Information Technology Services
Romeo Theriault
System Administrator
Information Technology Services