Thanks Peter and everyone else
that replied. I will share my procedure/experience once our head-upgrade is
From: Learmonth, Peter
Sent: October-24-07 1:38 PM
To: Darish Rajanayagam
Subject: RE: Head upgrade 3020 to 3040
IQNs will stay the same.
LUN S/Ns will change. You should keep a copy of lun show -v
from before the upgrade, then set them S/N back the way they were after the
lun offline <lun path>
lun serial <lun path> <serial number>
lun online
(Do this before bringing servers back up)
This is especially important for VMware in order to avoid
resignaturing VMFS and having to re-register VMs.
IP addresses will stay the same. Not sure about MAC addrs, but
I don't think that matters.
From: Darish
Rajanayagam []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:41 AM
Subject: Head upgrade 3020 to 3040
Greeting Toasters,
We will soon be upgrading our FAS3020 filer to a FAS3040.
The two main protocols the filer is used for is NFS and ISCSI. I am concerned
of the implications this upgrade will have on the iscsi network. Has anyone
done this type of migration and can share their experience with me? Will
upgrading the head unit impact iscsi iqns, lun serial numbers etc?