if you use VLAN, i heard once there were a trick on cisco to enable proper vlan tag operation... i can't retreive the info. instead, here is what i found :
- you may be interested in reading this bug :
- look also at this ressources :
- and if you use TRUNCK (agregation/etherchannel/bonding) :

rkb wrote:
Anybody have access to their Cisco switches that they are using for Filer-->Oracle private networking?

I'm interested in the Flow Control and Jumbo Frames setups your using.

I think the way to approach this is to create VLANS for the Filer-->Oracle box with the MTU size set accordingly.

Anybody done this or have access to the config file of the Cisco your network guy setup for you? I'd love to set the config commands you used.


-Bob Borowicz

Stéphane Bentebba
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