Yes, they're working with NetApp on it (and over NFS, too!), I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

From: on behalf of Raj Patel
Sent: Thu 5/14/2009 6:44 PM
To: oakley
Cc: Ken Williams; Learmonth, Peter;
Subject: Re: Any luck with SnapMirror & ESX LUN's ?

I guess one key factor is that VIBE is free(ish) and unsupported(?) from what I've read but SMVI is a supported product at a commercial price-point.

Anyone tried the VMWare Site Recovery Manager tool ? Is there a NetApp integration component in the works (my understanding is the product leverages SAN vendor API's to ensure consistant intersite replication of VM's) ?

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:16 AM, oakley <> wrote:
How difficult is VIBE to implement though? I had a brief conversation with my SE and with a NetApp Virtualization Architect and both highly suggested using Professional Services to do it. Also, and I've barely done any reading on it, does VIBE give you all of the same benefits that SM-VI does? If not, what are the primary differences? What experiences, good/bad, have you had with it?

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : RE: Any luck with SnapMirror &amp; ESX LUN's ?
Date : Thu, 14 May 2009 10:51:46 -0700
From : Ken Williams <>
To : "Learmonth, Peter" <>, "Raj Patel" <>, <>

VIBE is also an option for those who aren't ready to take the plunge to SMVI.
VIBE is available if you have an active NOW account under downloads>tool chest.

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