Hello Aaron:

A few things to try.

1. Could be a simple typo when typing in the username/password.  It is unlikely to be this easy but it could be.
2. You might have a DNS problem.  You can use the vserver show command and check to see if you DNS information is correct.
3. Try pinging your active directory server.  Use both IP addresses and DNS names.

That would eliminate the easier problems.  If that isn't enough, you might need to send more information.  


On Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:29 PM, Scott Miller <Scott.Miller@dreamworks.com> wrote:

And, note that cDOT LIFS have "protocol" as one of their
characteristics.  make sure the lif has CIFS as a valid protocol:

vcluster::*> net inte show data01 -inst
  (network interface show)

                      Vserver Name: vs0
            Logical Interface Name: data01
                              Role: data
                    Data Protocol: nfs, cifs, fcache


"data protocol" is set at LIF creation time, and can't
be changed with a "net inte modify..."


On 10/24/2013 06:12 PM, Klise, Steve wrote:
> Make sure your time is good, and you can resolve the domain..
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 2:38 PM, Parisi, Justin <Justin.Parisi@netapp.com
> <mailto:Justin.Parisi@netapp.com>> wrote:
>> Check for mismatches in MTU with your data LIFs. (are they using 9000
>> MTU?)
>> Also, is the user being used to add the CIFS server account a member
>> of the domain you’re adding the account to?
>> *From:*toasters-bounces@teaparty.net
>> <mailto:toasters-bounces@teaparty.net>[mailto:toasters-bounces@teaparty.net]*On
>> Behalf Of*Aaron Lewis
>> *Sent:*Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:29 PM
>> *To:*toasters@teaparty.net <mailto:toasters@teaparty.net>
>> *Subject:*cDOT CIFS setup
>> Has anyone seen the error listed below while setting up CIFS in cDOT?
>> The filer is running 8.2P3.  This has been a very straightforward
>> process in the past for me, but with the newness of cDOT, I’m not
>> finding a lot of information when I search.  Thanks!
>> netapp::vserver cifs> create  -cifs-server "testcifs" -domain "
>> XXXXXX.local"
>> In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS
>> server, you
>> must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
>> privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the
>> " XXXXXX.local" domain.
>> Enter the user name: XXXXXX
>> Enter the password:
>> Error: CIFS server creation procedure failed
>>  [    27] Loaded the preliminary configuration.
>>  [    62] Created a machine account for the Cifs server in the
>>            domain
>>  [    62] SID to name translations of Domain Users and Admins
>>            completed successfully
>> **[ 23082] FAILURE: Kerberos password set for
>> failed with Cannot contact any
>> **        KDC for requested realm
>>  [ 23104] Deleted existing account
>>            'CN=TESTCIFS,CN=Computers,DC=xxxxxxx,DC=local'
>> Error: command failed: Failed to create CIFS server TESTCIFS. Reason:
>> Kerberos
>>        Error: KDC Unreachable.
>> netapp::vserver cifs>
>> Regards,
>> Aaron
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