No experience with CDOT yet (installing this spring), however generally, for any equipment, I'd be using SNMP for this. I'd have gone through the vendor's MIB file and ensured that the events (like power issues) I need to be notified about are above the notification threshold for my SNMP software. Also, I'd make sure that the box is able to call home and open tickets for critical issues. I've had the vendor help me with that in the past.

On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Momonth <> wrote:
I opened a ticket with NetApp support with no luck so far.

The only way I found to identify such an issue is the following:

node_shell> sysconfig -M


The 2nd line suggests there is no status info about 1st PSU.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Momonth <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been testing a few monitoring scripts for cDOT and had to pull
> out some physical components on heads / disk shelves, I noticed the
> following:
> when a PSU removed from a DS2246 disk shelf, this fact is not visible
> for CLI tools like "alert" or "system health". Also Zephyr API calls
> of 'ses' category don't seem to have visibility on that.
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