Well, where did it come from?
If the vfiler came from a 32-Bit aggr, if it came from a 8.0.x source, basically anything but 8.1.2 64-Bit, there is a lot to convert in the background.

Did you already do 'sis -s'?
(Because the fingerprint DB needs to be re-created on the new aggregate)

Tried 'sis check'?

After a move like this, it's expected that system processes will continue to run for a while (lowest prio...)



On 20.03.2013 21:58, Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
So we migrated this vfiler to a 8.1.2 head in another datacenter yesterday

na01> sis status             
Path                           State      Status     Progress
/vol/vm64                Enabled    Active     Fingerprint is being recovered from volume (0% complete)

na01> df -sh
Filesystem                used      saved       %saved
/vol/vm64net2/          3829GB     3051GB          44%

Disk space is sawtoothing since the dedup job kicked off:

I started growing the volume a coupe hours ago to keep it under 70% full.
What is going on?


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