-----Original Message-----
toasters-bounces@teaparty.net [mailto:
toasters-bounces@teaparty.net] On Behalf Of John Constable
Sent: 05 March 2013 10:18
Subject: Anti Virus Scanning
Hi Folks,
Does anyone have any recommendations (or horrible warnings, off list is fine!) for antivirus scanning integration with NetApp? We're starting to look into all this (again), and I'd be interested in people's experiences and recommendations, especially if anyone has used products like Avere to get round the performance hit that may result?
We have a low double digit number of 7-mode HA systems, and are about to bring in a cluster, so we'd be looking at something that could do both, in an ideal world (I'd also like a pony).
John Constable, Storage Team
(+44 1223 496924)
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research Limited, a charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a company registered in England with number 2742969, whose registered office is 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE.
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