My experience is with snapmirror, but snapvault is similar. If you delete a snapshot on the source, that deletion will be propagated to the target. 

You mentioned something I believe is being misunderstood. The replication software doesn't use existing periodic snapshots, but creates its own. When you do (on the source) a "snap list" command, you will see that one of them says "busy snapmirrored" or something similar. If a user did a massive write, you have no option other than optimizing the WAN and waiting. Alternately, you could delete the data that was written and then do a full baseline. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.
From: Jeff Cleverley
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:26 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Multiple snapvault snapshots and schedules.

I realized I wasn't being very clear in the early hours.  My apologies.  Here is what I'm really wondering.

If there is a weekly and nightly schedule, and I delete the weekly snapshots on the source, what will happen the next time the weekly schedule runs?  Will it create a new snapshot based on the last nightly, or will it do a new full baseline since the previous weekly snapshot has been deleted?



On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 1:10 AM, Jeff Cleverley <> wrote:

I've got a situation where a backup relationship does a nightly backup and a weekly backup.  Both go to the same destination.  The snapshots are named with the _nightly and _weekly tags.  This is file system data and not luns.  The problem is not fractional reserve :-)

I'm assuming the snapshots are still based on one another and each doesn't have it's own baseline.  Is this correct?

The problem is someone at a remote site appears to have done a drag and drop which generated ~2 TB of "new" data.  The remote site has a very limited WAN.  The completion of the current backup session will run for ~2 month before it completes.  If I have to do a new baseline, it will also take about that long.

Since the snapshots got out of hand, it caused the file system to grow beyond the designated size the volume guarantee has been disabled, and it actually filled up the containing aggregate.  

I'm hoping to be able to delete one of the SV snapvaults to free space and get things in line space wise.  Unfortunately I'm expecting I'll still have to let a 2 month backup run one way or another.  If I'll end up with a new baseline anyway, I may as well nuke everything now and start it.  At least I'll be able to delete some snapshots and free space.



Jeff Cleverley
IT Engineer
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

Jeff Cleverley
IT Engineer
4380 Ziegler Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525