The man page for the vol command specifies that one can use suffixes of d/m/y for days/months/years when specifying the volume retention period parameters.
A Snaplock Enterprise volume doesn't let an admin "expire the volume" but it does let an admin destroy it.
From a Linux system, you can see the atime (access time of a file, which is overloaded to keep the retention date if the file is on a WORM volume) by mounting the file system and running "stat <filename>"
From Solaris, mount the file system and run "ls -lu <filename>"
-----Original Message-----
From: aaron hirsch []
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:01 AM
Subject: RE: SnapLock Questions
SnapLock comes in two versions, Compliance and Enterprise. I'm
not sure if you can change either to day/hours/minutes, but the
Enterprise version is MUCH more flexible and will allow you, as
admin, to expire the volume at any given time you choose.
As for the outside software I'm not sure...
-----Original Message-----
From: Rene Koehnen-Wiesemes []
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:06 AM
To: ''
Subject: SnapLock Questions
with the new ONTAP 7G (7.0RC5) release I've found new vol options
· vol options volume_name snaplock_minimum_retention 3y
· vol options volume_name snaplock_default_period min
· vol options volume_name snaplock_maximum_period 10y
Is it possible to decrease these values for test purpose to
month or days e.g.:
· vol options volume_name snaplock_minimum_retention 3d
· vol options volume_name snaplock_default_period min
· vol options volume_name snaplock_maximum_period 10d
Additional I need to know if there is a software outside to set
the "Last Access Date" metadata of files (the Retention Date for
snaplock!) on Solaris or Windows based systems?
Thanks for your help.
René Köhnen-Wiesemes
Senior IT Specialist
Morse GmbH
Oskar-Messter-Straße 13
D-85737 Ismaning
Tel: +49 (0)89 94 49 40-228
Mobil: +49 (0) 172 829 0367
Fax: +49 (0)89 94 49 40-110