Yeah, that's a front-end to nfsstat -l.  There's also a lun_top in the ToolChest as well that does the
equivalent for LUNs.  It front ends the lun stat command as well as some others.

-- Adam Fox


From: Charles H. Kruger []
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 2:30 PM
To: Jeff Mery;
Subject: RE: NFS equivalent of "cifs top"?

There is a utility available on the NOW website called ( ) which provides a list of the top NFS clients. 





Charles Kruger

Manager, Unix Systems

Office of Information Technology

Princeton University

phone - (609) 258-7181

From: [] On Behalf Of Jeff Mery
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: NFS equivalent of "cifs top"?


Anyone know if this exists?  "nfs stat -l" kind of give me what I want, but I'd really like it in the format of cifs top if possible.  When the ops for CIFS look out of whack for some reason, it's really easy to find the culprit via cifs top.  Would be great to have for nfs too.

Jeff Mery - MCSE, MCP
National Instruments

"Allow me to extol the virtues of the Net Fairy, and of all the fantastic
dorks that make the nice packets go from here to there. Amen."
TB - Penny Arcade