I would do this with a policy rather than a sledgehammer, assuming this is in prod. That said, the CDOT sledgehammer is a script that would use the output of a volume snapshow show to generate and run volume snapshot delete commands. A nice middle ground would be setting the autodelete to delete them all, maybe. You could set it to trigger on snap reserve then set the reserve to 0.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Mark Flint <mf1@sanger.ac.uk> wrote:
So, I have a user who want me to turn of snapshots, and delete the old ones, across about 100 areas, all of over 10TB in size. No problem says I…..
then my poor brain starts to think about how I could do this using the available policies. A colleague suggested altering the specific protection 
policy applied to these areas, so that the policy has zero snapshots kept, with the thought that it would slowly ‘age them out’. Turns out not, or
that’s the way it looks at the moment.   So, I’m left with a couple of options, basically, manually delete all the snapshots via script, and turn off
snapshotting completely on those areas, and reduce the snap reserve to zero…..or hope the policy will do some magic for me overnight.

Anyone think of a better way to do this?

Happy Tuesday!

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