Has anyone rebuilt the DFM database?
We’re running the same SQL Anywhere DB since DFM was in beta. Performance seems to be slow, the DB is like 500MB and we are getting messages like this when we startup:
I. 03/31 20:12:34. Page size too small for this database
I. 03/31 20:12:34. Database was created with older software and may benefit from being rebuilt
We’re getting ready to upgrade to 3.0 and want to know if we can alleviate these messages and improve performance by rebuilding the DB. Otherwise we may start a fresh, new DFM instance and leave the old one online for legacy data reporting.
- Jeff
owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of markallen@micron.com
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 1:38
To: paul.brubaker@attws.com;
Subject: RE: DFM database transfer
I haven't had any problems with doing this. I've done it two or three different times. The only thing that I had problems with is the SRM data. I had to delete my paths and re-add them once I was running on the new system. The database was crashing while I was walking a device tree so I deleted the SRM path and re-entered it. I haven't had any problems since then.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com
Behalf Of Brubaker, Paul
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004
12:58 PM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: DFM database transfer
Question on installing DFM 3.0. We have a current working install of DFM on "server A". Just built a new "server B" and installed DFM 3.0. We want to preserve and use the db from serverA on serverB. How do we accomplish this? Just run the dfm backup create (on serverA); then run the dfm backup restore (on serverB). Is that it? Anyone have experience with this?
M. Brubaker, Jr.
Intel System Support
Wireless - Harrisburg PA
#: 717-526-5011
#: 717-578-2254