Legato creates that directory on my volumes even when I'm not using snapshots.  Anyway Legato backs up by creating a snapshot and then backing up the snapshot and then it (supposedly) deletes the snap, but if it fails mid-backup it might leave it out there.  I assume other backup software works similarly.  Not sure how to get rid of it. With at least one version of Ontap, trying to delete the contents of that folder panics the filer, so think twice before trying that!  I found that out the hard way.

Mary Dell

-----Original Message-----
From: Maglinger, Paul [mailto:PMAGLINGER@scvl.com]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 2:00 PM
To: 'NetApps list server'
Subject: snapshot appearing in qtree

We have a 740 filer running 6.3.1R1 with NFS shares to a Tru64 Unix 5.1a cluster.  We have a directory on the Unix machine mounted to a folder on vol0 on the filer.  When I do a df -k against the mount on the Unix system, it shows that it is nearly full.  I cd into the mount and see a .snapshot directory with entries from June 12th 2002.  When I turn snapshots on, I can't see any snapshots directory or folders in Windows Explorer.  I can't see these snapshots from filerview either.  If I unmount the directory, it shows empty so I know that it believes the filer directory is almost full. What's doing this and how can I correct?

Our glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall.

Paul Maglinger, A+, CA, CCA, CET, MCSE
Systems Administrator Shoe Carnival Inc. (812)867-4674 pmaglinger@scvl.com

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