Hi Andrei


We have an aggregate spanning all three shelfs.

What I was thinking was to disconnect the A side of disk shelf (which is possible without any issues)

Then connect up the A side of the shelfs so that they now represent two loops, so two shelfs on one loop, and the last one on its own loop.

I will of cause make sure the controllers are able to see the disks before I move onto the B side of the shelfs…


I’m just afraid that ONTAP might be confused and panic..





Fra: "andrei.borzenkov@fujitsu.com" <andrei.borzenkov@fujitsu.com>
Dato: torsdag den 25. juni 2020 kl. 10.12
Til: Heino Walther <hw@beardmann.dk>, "toasters@teaparty.net" <toasters@teaparty.net>
Emne: RE: Quick SAS Cable question


So you have three shelves and aggregate spanning these three shelves that you need to connect to FAS in two stacks, right? It is no problem offline (assuming you have the correct cables), when target FAS is switched off. Doing this online will result in incomplete aggregate unless you manage connecting both stacks almost at the same moment. Depending on raid groups layout, either aggregate won’t come online until you connect missing shelf or FAS may start rebuild due to missing disks.


If you mean something else or you have something different than FAS (there as E-Series etc), please provide more details.




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With best regards

Andrei Borzenkov

Senior System Engineer



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From: Toasters <toasters-bounces@teaparty.net> On Behalf Of Heino Walther
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 10:53 AM
To: toasters@teaparty.net
Subject: Quick SAS Cable question


Hi guys


I’m in the process of moving shelfs from one system to another, and has ran into a pickle where I would like to place one of three shelfs in a loop into its own loop.

Of cause the disks are a part of an aggregate and in production…


Can this be done without any issues?   Just one path of the loop at a time?


I would imagine that it should work fine, but just checking… 😊




Heino Walther

Beardmann ApS

Jellingvej 9 - 7100 Vejle


D: 7199 9060 M: 2075 7501
