What does your dataset look like?  Homedirs, software development, chip development/simulation?  And how many users..etc.
There is also a new high-performance (spindle rate/seek rate) 9G drive now as well for those special environments.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike@broaddaylight.com [mailto:Mike@broaddaylight.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:36 PM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: 18GB drive performance versus 36BG

I am considereing ordering a second F740 with 36BG drives.  Big drives are nice, but there must be some tradeoffs:  performance, restoration?  If there is a significant performance difference I may go with the 18GB drives
Michael Hopkins              mike@BroadDaylight.com
Systems Administrator                phone 408.450.7450  
Broad Daylight, Inc.                      fax    408.327.0177