I believe you'll have to monkey with the failover policy on your LIFs if you want to control it. When using nextavail, I don't believe you can control order. When using priority, you can IIRC.

From page 52 of the cDOT 8.2 Network Management Guide:

  • -failover-policy: Enables you to specify the order in which the network ports are chosen during a LIF failover and enables you to prevent a LIF from failing over.
    This parameter can have one of the following values:

    • nextavail (default): Enables a LIF to fail over to the next available port, preferring a port on the current node.
      In some instances, a LIF configured with the
      nextavail failover policy selects a failover port on a remote node, even though a failover port is available on the local node. No outages will be seen in the cluster, because the LIFs continue to be hosted on valid failover ports.

    • priority: Enables a LIF to fail over to the first available port specified in the user-defined failover group (failover targets can be shown with the network interface show - failover command).

    • disabled: Disables (prevents) a LIF from failing over. 

Brandon Kitchen
Datalink OneCall Support Phone: 800.291.3230
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On May 28, 2015, at 10:56 AM, Mark Flint <mf1@sanger.ac.uk> wrote:

Does anyone know if you can re-order the entries within a failover group?  My understanding of this is that it’s an automagically
created list, but I’d be real happy to find out I’m misunderstanding the docs :)

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