

I am in the final stages of decommissioning a pair of FAS3020 filers and have been running the disk sanitize commands to erase all our data before the systems go back to NetApp (trade in deal as part of the purchase of a FAS3140) .  They are no longer on support so I can’t open a case with NetApp.


During the execution of the disk sanitize command to clear the final few discs it hung at 9% completed, and would not proceed beyond that.  All activity on those specific disks had ceased.  If I run a sysconfig –a they now report as 0.0GB 0B/sect (Found in scan)


I have tried the privileged command disk unfail –s <diskname> (which I have used to clear BAD_LABEL faults) but the system now reports the disks as not being found.  A reboot has made no difference.


The only item I could find in the NetApp KB was around software based disc ownership, but we do not have software ownership enabled on the disks/filers.


Whilst I could just ship it back to NetApp as it is, I would like to get the discs back online to complete the disk sanitization process.


I have tried moving the failed disks to another shelf, but the fail remains so it is the disks and not the shelf.


Any ideas ?





Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, United Kingdom.
Company Reg No 2096520. VAT Reg No GB 348 3873 20.