While I don't seem to have an answer to your question yet I did notice this spelling mistake - is this indeed a mistake:
* user@/vol/h2 - - (users unlimited in the volume)
* group@/vol/h2 - - (groups unlimited in the volume)
/vol/h2/t45 tree 500000M 500000K (tree quota approx 500G) ===> Notice that this line refers to another qtree t45 and not t54
* user@/vol/h2/t54 500000M 500000K (users can use all of qtree)
So - do you indeed have a tree quota for t54 - if not, it may relate to your issue, depending on what is the used space in /vol/h2 etc.
On 10/25/06, Stephen C. Losen <> wrote:
We have a filer running DOT 7.0.1R1 with a qtree named /vol/h2/t54
with NTFS security style and this share:
fccf /vol/h2/t54/fccf
Here are the quota file entries that pertain to the qtree:
* user@/vol/h2 - - (users unlimited in the volume)
* group@/vol/h2 - - (groups unlimited in the volume)
/vol/h2/t45 tree 500000M 500000K (tree quota approx 500G)
* user@/vol/h2/t54 500000M 500000K (users can use all of qtree)
Quotas are on and "quota report /vol/h2/t54" indicates that the
qtree is using 184408104 KB out of 512000000 KB.
Essentially all used space is beneath the /vol/h2/t54/fccf directory.
When I map the fccf share with Windows Explorer and right click
the drive letter and look at "properties" it reports the correct
amount of available disk space: 327591896 KB, but it reports only
35892088 KB used (instead of 184408104) and reports the total
capacity as 363483984 KB (instead of 512000000).
I looked at bugs online and saw a couple bugs where Explorer or
CIFS reports incorrect values, but these don't seem to apply to
this situation and the bugs are fixed.
Is there anything I can do besides telling folks to only pay attention
to available space (which is correct) and ignore the other values ?
Steve Losen phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support