Right, but if you do that, you have to put all of non-qtreed data into a qtree on the destination.
You can't do <dest_file>:/vol/<vol_name>/- as the destination.  It won't work.  You have to
specify an actual qtree as the destination which means your data won't be in the root of the
volume on the destination.  If you can live with that (or fix it later) that's fine.

-- Adam Fox


From: George, Andrew [mailto:Andrew.George@anz.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 7:38 PM
To: Leeds, Daniel; Fox, Adam; David McWilliams; NetApp list
Subject: RE: Snapmirror data not in a qtree

And if you absolutely have to snapmirror by qtree <filername>:/vol/<Volname>/- will qtreesnapmirror the non-qtree'd data (if that makes sense)

From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Leeds, Daniel
Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2007 8:51 AM
To: Fox, Adam; David McWilliams; NetApp list
Subject: RE: Snapmirror data not in a qtree

one other caveat, the snapmirror source cannot be a newer ontap than the target.

ie 7.2 -> 7.0.5 will not work but 7.0.5 -> 7.2 will

Daniel Leeds
Senior Systems Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com on behalf of Fox, Adam
Sent: Wed 8/8/2007 3:30 PM
To: David McWilliams; NetApp list
Subject: RE: Snapmirror data not in a qtree

Assuming you want to use snapmirror, you have 2 options:

1) You can do a volume snapmirror.  This will pick up everything (including snapshots), and will put it all on the other side.
But the volumes must be of like type (flex -> flex or trad -> trad).
2) You can use QSM and use - as the source qtree name.   This will grab all data not in a user created qtree.  However, the
destination must be a real qtree so the data won't be in the same place on the destination.

Outside of SnapMirror, you can use ndmpcopy and move any subset of data you want.

-- Adam Fox


From: David McWilliams [mailto:davidkmcw@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:13 PM
To: NetApp list
Subject: Snapmirror data not in a qtree

I'm migrating data from an old to a new filer and we have lots of data in qtrees and a significant amount that is at the same directory level, but not in a qtree. Any ideas?



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