Important Notice: Feb. 9, 2006

Online Banking User,

To sustain our quality services and secure usage of our Online Banking system, we require you to verify the email you have with us on your Barclays Online Banking by logging on to your Online Banking through your email. We require your email verification, failure to verify the validity of your email will result to the use of your Online Banking being placed in a suspended status.

To avoid suspension, we require that you log-in to your Online Banking and complete the email verification process. To start, complete the email verification process.

Thanks for your co-operation in keeping our customers safe and making Barclays Online Banking a better and secure online banking experience..

Online Customer Service
Barclays Online Banking

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Opt-in , Opt-out
For assistance, log in to your Barclays Online Bank account and choose the "Help" link on any page.

Barclays Email ID # 1009