We ran into a similar problem.  Our Wintel teams are currently testing a product by Varonis that will provide this detail via fpolicy.  I'm not sure of the pricing model myself since I just handle the NetApp integration, but it provides an enormous amount of customizable reporting.


Sent by: owner-toasters@mathworks.com

06/14/2007 05:22 PM

Cifs audit logs

We've just switched from a Windows file server to a 3020c and are
experiencing significant issues with cifs auditing.

We have several directories that need to be monitored and we have turned
on auditing via NTFS (right-click | properties | security | advanced |
auditing).  On the old file server we used a third-party tool
(ScriptLogic) to monitor CIFS access but it only works on Windows

The problem we have is if a user opens up one of the monitored folders,
the filer spits out about 300 events for each file.  There are three or
maybe four slight differences between the 300 events (some might refer
to SMBRead and others SMBReadEA, for example), but at least 50 events
are completely identical to each other in every way.  We've been
auditing about 19,000 files (<4GB) for a week and we already have 10GB
of .evt files.

We tried limiting the audits to List Folder / Read Data, Create Files /
Write Data, Create Folders / Append Data, Delete, Change Permissions and
Take Ownership, and we applied only to files.  It didn't improve things
from what we could see.

NetApp support told us to contact MS but that didn't get us anywhere so
now we're looking for third-party alternatives.  Can anyone suggest a
good tool that can gather .evt files from a specified directory, weed
out duplicates and store the end result in either a database or another
..evt file?

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