Aggr State Status Options
aggr0 online raid_dp, aggr root, diskroot, nosnap=off, raidtype=raid_dp,
degraded raidsize=16, raid_lost_write=on,
64-bit ignore_inconsistent=off, snapmirrored=off,
rlw_on resyncsnaptime=60, fs_size_fixed=off,
lost_write_protect=on, no_delete_log=off,
ha_policy=cfo, hybrid_enabled=off,
free_space_realloc=off, raid_cv=on,
thorough_scrub=offVolumes: dcs_ds_01, dcs_iso, vol0Plex /aggr0/plex0: online, normal, active
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0: double degraded, block checksums
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg1: double degraded, block checksums
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg2: normal, block checksums
From: tmac <>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2018 6:23:54 PM
To: Christopher D. Chandler
Cc: Toasters
Subject: Re: Failed Aggregate 0You did not include many details.RAID 4 or RAID-DP? Sounds like you are using RAID4 if you have a double disk failure and you lost an aggregate.
On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 6:21 PM dhichandler <> wrote:
I have a FAS3140 running OnTap 8.2.5 and I have had a double partity disk
failure in one of our raid groups and looking for help recovering. The unit
is out of warranty and support. Any help is appreciated.
Christopher Chandler
DH Innovations, LLC
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