Hi Xishan,
You most likely have entries such as the following in your /etc/quotas file
domain\userID    user    1g
...which applies a quota to a Windows userID (domain\userID).
That assumed, before quotas can be used (pretty sure they're loaded into RAM), they need to be resolved/mapped. So your storage needs to resolve and map "domain\userID".
Since you just joined a new A.D. (assume again you ran CIFS setup deleting the old relationship, so whether or not you joined same domain as before, this will now be a unique and net-new relationship), your storage appliance now needs to know who that is and map to a UNIX ID.
Quota resolution and enforcement can't be done without going through above process, which is what make quotas need initializing.
Above is just a hypothesis and corrections are welcome.
Best regards,
Kevin Parker
Mobile: 919.606.8737

From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Xishan
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:56 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Quota re-initialization on re-joining AD domain

Hello all...

Recently we had made some changes to Windows AD, and the filer was required to terminate 'CIFS' and then re-join AD through 'CIFS SETUP'.
One of the volumes that was holding CIFS shares had quotas enabled...After re-joining the domain, I had to re-initialize quotas...
I was of the view that no re-initialization would be required...but it was the other way round...
Is it normal???or is there some problem in the CIFS setup...
Any comments...????
