I'm having an issue on the displayed permissions in linux, on an ntfs qtree.   This is in cDOT 8.2.3.  I have a vserver that's joined to an AD domain and NIS-enabled.   Basically, most of the permissions display rwxrwxrwx on the linux, and it's not clear where it's getting these.  The NIS/nfs permission themselves are obeyed -- I can only get to where I have access, on the linux side.

This is a snapmirrored volume/qtree from a 7-mode filer.  It's user directories   The linux permissions from the 7-mode filer are almost exclusively rwx------.   The ntfs permissions on the source and destinations match, and the NIS/AD/namemapping configs are the same.   I"m not sure why it's not displaying the same permissions from linux on the source and destination.
