"Helping our customers make each dollar go further - since 1991!"
yeah yeah yeahAm I in the Ebay forum or something?I've had more replies offereing to buy these things or sell me something else than answers to the question...........good grief!!Please DO NOT email me trying to sell me something or buy something from me, ok?Thanks.
From: Timothy Naple [mailto:tnaple@BERKCOM.com]
Sent: 26 March 2005 17:29
To: Iain Barnetson
Subject: RE: reuse old NetApp shelfIan,I could offer a trade for some generic shelves and disks that work fine on Windows. I could use the NetApp storage. If that sounds at all interesting, let me know.Thanks,TimTimothy Naple
510-384-1033 Cell
510-644-1599 Office
510-644-1598 FaxBerkeley Communications Corporation
2990 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
http://www.berkcom.com-----Original Message-----
From: Iain Barnetson [mailto:Iain.Barnetson@Halliburton.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 5:20 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: RE: reuse old NetApp shelfI've tired low level formatting two of the disks using the Qlogic card bios facility which suceeded with no error messages.I then came back into windows and still couldn't do anything with the disks.I've tried creating a partition using both diskpart and gdisk32 but still no joy.Gdisk32 creates a partition but still windows wants to initialize the disks but can't.diskpart sits there using cpu cycles, so far for 3 hours, and doesn't seem to be doing very much.Any ideas how I can get these drives in a usuable state?
From: Fox, Adam [mailto:Adam.Fox@netapp.com]
Sent: 25 March 2005 17:14
To: Iain Barnetson
Subject: RE: reuse old NetApp shelfYou'll probably have to low-level format the drives to use 512 byte blocks. I'm guessing Windows isn'tthrilled with the 520-byte blocks that NTAP uses.-- Adam Fox
From: Iain Barnetson [mailto:Iain.Barnetson@Halliburton.com]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 11:50 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Re: reuse old NetApp shelfI've got a couple of NetApp DS14 fibre disk shelves from our "old" filers that I'd like to reuse. I attached one of the shelves to a server using a Qlogic 2200 card and although Windows detected the drives correctly I couldn't partition them or anything - no specific error message just saying that it couldn't.
What I'm wondering is:
Should I use the Qlogic card facility to low level format them? Will that make them usable in Windows?
Any suggestions on how I can implement RAID with these disks other than Windows software RAID?