_______________________________________________I would assume that when NetApp promised you 3x savings they weren't
referring to just compression. The AFF also does in-line deduplication, plus
there is compaction. And some things also count in savings from snapshots.
The 180x number, is that in the circle on the tiers page? If you hover over it,
it will show the value without snapshots counted.
If you want a better break down try using (CLI):
aggr show-efficiency -aggregate aggr -instance
From: Toasters <toasters-bounces@teaparty.net> on behalf of Rue, Randy <randyrue@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 11:51 AM
To: Toasters
Subject: Re: space reporting on AFF's with compression?also, that pane says I'm getting 108X data reduction. Is that the new
inline compression? And is that number likely to be accurate after
NetApp promised us (in writing!) compression?
On 7/6/2021 11:42 AM, Rue, Randy wrote:
> OK, no responses to my below so let me ask a simpler question.
> The System Manager Dashboard's "Capacity" pane says I'm using 1.83PB
> with 11.7TB available. That's clearly not accurate.
> If I click into the arrow in that pane I get the Tiers page and it
> says my two Tiers respectively have 875TB used and 6.5TB available,
> and 1PB used and 5.2TB available.
> What the hell are these numbers describing?
> Hope to hear from you
> On 6/10/2021 9:24 AM, Rue, Randy wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> We're migrating from a FAS to a new AFF that has inline compression
>> and a guarantee of 3X compression.
>> I'm trying to convert a graphite/snmp graphing system that reports
>> our overall aggregate space usage to the new system.
>> A straightforward graph of used and free space on the data
>> aggregates/tiers shows the right portion of space used but seems to
>> be reporting pre-compression usage (and we appear to be getting less
>> than 3X).
>> The System Manager webUI says we're getting ~120:1 "Data Reduction"
>> but it also says we're using 1.74PB and have 14TB available. In fact
>> we currently have 48 x 900GB SSDs in two disk groups/tiers and about
>> 40TB of actual unstructured data.
>> Is there a doc somewhere on understanding space reporting with the
>> new system including meaningful reporting of compression returns?
>> Grateful for any help,
>> Randy in Seattle
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